Long term major top of stock Amazon will come exactly @251.27

Stock Amazon is trading @175

Long term major top of this decade (year 2021-2030) of stock Amazon will come exactly @251.27

which will be sell of the decade with stop loss of 1 cent only @251.28 day closing basis

stock amazon wont be able to go above @251.27 in rest 6 years & 10 months of this decade

while heading towards this upside target of @251.27 stock amazon will make various trading tops which are excellent short opportunities which we will cover in our subscriber’s page

But if you buy at current price for target of @251.27 you will be dangerously trapped in your long position , to go long wait for ideal time & price with strict stop of 1 cent only day closing basis

hope you find this research useful

best wishes




By | 2024-02-27T09:33:53+00:00 February 26th, 2024|News|
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