Gold is bound to touch $2222 in year 2024 but….

Gold is bound to touch $2222 in year 2024,


you may get dangerously trapped if you buy gold now.

See, when I say gold is bound to touch $2222 in year 2024,

you already have two important information.

First, you know the minimum upside target for gold.

Second, you know the time window when this minimum upside target will be achieved.

This information may be of great use to an investor, but not to a trader.

To enter a trade  we need 5 information :

ideal entry price

ideal entry date

target date

target price

& the stop loss

Without these 5 information, a prediction is incomplete, a waste, or, as I should say it can be extremely dangerous for newbies who enter a trade without having full clarity about the trade.

Our annual forecast for gold for year 2024 is already ready, and by looking at it, we can know in advance when we can expect an important bottom and top in gold in 2024.

Our price forecast for gold for year 2024 is also ready, and we know the yearly projected high and yearly projected low of gold for year 2024.

By combining these time & price , annual master trend, top-bottom forecast, and yearly projected high-low, we can enter and exit the trade if time and price are coming together.

I hope you find our research useful.

best wishes

By | 2024-01-10T09:54:56+00:00 January 9th, 2024|News|
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