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Today is 3rd August…

By | 2023-08-09T07:42:19+00:00 August 3rd, 2023|News|

Today is 3rd August what's so special about 3rd August ? on 22nd July 2023 we have a posted a free update in our website: wherein we have mentioned "Coffee prices should see sharp decline between 3rd-27th August" so today is  3rd August,  if you wish you may note down today's high in coffee

Live example of How exact top of S&P can be predicted in advance

By | 2023-08-03T07:57:24+00:00 August 2nd, 2023|Uncategorized|

on 27th July 2023 , S&P futures made a new 52 week high @4634.50 & from there it reversed and it is struggling to go above it Was it possible to predict this exact top of s&p futures@4634 in advance ? on 12th July we updated "S&P futures is heading to @4634" (screenshot attached) on

Coffee will fall between 3rd-27th August & rise between 27th-30th August

By | 2023-07-31T12:03:00+00:00 July 22nd, 2023|News|

W. D. Gann was a famous trader and forecaster, who has made a lot of stunning predictions in markets. he is also famous for disguising his method so that no one could understand how he actually does it. In 1954, the year before his death, Gann set out rules for studying Coffee in a letter

Live example of How Gold can be predicted on hourly basis 1 week in advance

By | 2023-07-31T12:02:41+00:00 July 15th, 2023|News|

on 9th July 2023 , in this "free prediction" column ,  we shared hourly intraday forecast graph of Gold Spot xauusd for 14th July, now if you compare real time vs forecast you will be stunned to see accuracy , for your ready reference pls find attached our forecast graph as well as real-time intraday

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