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Trend projection Line & Top- Bottom Analysis of Stock Yes Bank for year 2020

By | 2022-10-31T09:51:37+00:00 September 12th, 2019|News|

Please find attached Trend projection Line & Top- Bottom Analysis of Stock Yes Bank (NSE) for year 2020.    This is one of the most powerful research being used by our clients worldwide since years     By seeing at this projection line & top-bottom analysis you know in advance how a particular stock is expected to trend in

Most interesting time window of the season

By | 2022-10-31T09:52:37+00:00 August 25th, 2019|Uncategorized|

We are entering into the most important time window of the season , huge one sided moves are coming up in s&p,gold,crude oil,coffee,corn,dax,nasdaq,sensex,stock bank america,sugar,natural gas,usd/inr,euro/usd & all this move will start right from this week. this is the best opportunity of the season to mint money in the shortest time window. for details see

S&P is expected to start to collapse by 05th May 2019

By | 2022-10-31T09:53:05+00:00 April 21st, 2019|News|

A severe decline is expected to start in S&P (along with other major global stock indices like Nikkei,Dow Jones, Sensex & Nasdaq) by 5th May. 2019. Simultaneously a spike up is expected in VIX which may start as early as from late hours of 24th April,2019 (As per Newyork local time). During this expected global


By | 2022-10-31T09:53:10+00:00 April 8th, 2019|News|

Is it possible to forecast financial market months & years in advance ? is it possible to predict the exact time & price target of any asset ? Crude Oil trading at new high of year 2019 @$63.41, what's next ? as per our calculation Crude Oil is heading to $66.49 by 22nd April. Best

Indian stock market in “danger zone”

By | 2022-10-31T09:53:15+00:00 April 2nd, 2019|News|

A sharp decline is expected in Indian stock market , following asset class are more prone to decline- Bank Nifty,Nifty,Stock Asian Paints,Bata India,Axis Bank,Icici Bank,Dish Tv,Yes Bank. We nailed the low in US 10yr yield @2.35 ,Gold(cash) is a great buying opportunity @1265-1271, Crude Oil precisely achieved the upside target of 62.28 &  is near

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