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So far admin has created 220 blog entries.

S&P futures is bound to fall to @3377…

By | 2022-11-10T11:38:05+00:00 November 9th, 2022|News|

On 1st October,2022 we mentioned S&P future is bound to fall to @3377 & we strictly maintain our view  it didn't occur on 18th October & 8th November which were 2 most ideal dates but there is no change of view , we still clearly see S&P future will fall at least to @3377. Best

So far gold is moving exactly as predicted ….

By | 2022-11-05T06:20:02+00:00 November 5th, 2022|News|

Please find attached above our gold trend top bottom forecast for the month of November,2022 , if you check so far gold is moving right as predicted in the forecast graph , every month on 1st day we send this trend top bottom forecast graph of 40 major global assets including gold to our subscribers,

Why our annual forecast e-book is so popular ?

By | 2022-11-03T13:11:43+00:00 November 3rd, 2022|News|

  At beginning of every year we release annual forecast e-book of more than 40 major global assets including USA & Indian Market . This annual forecast e-books are divided in 4 parts . Pls find above PART ONE of our annual forecast e-book for year 2022 of nifty (master trend projection line ) which

sharp decline coming up in S&P future, wont be able to close above @4135,target @3377 remain intact…….

By | 2023-07-10T07:52:55+00:00 November 1st, 2022|News|

as repeatedly mentioned in past there is no change of view , downside target of @3377 remain intact in s&p future, today we have entered into the 2nd last month of year 2022, as per time & price theory all targets should be achieved in their destined time window, s&p future wont be able to

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