Monthly Archives: July 2024

Aug-September huge opportunity for Dollar Index & EUROUSD

By | 2024-07-29T07:28:36+00:00 July 29th, 2024|News|

After 3 days, we will enter a brand new month. August,2024 I have been waiting for this August-September time window since December 2023. In this 2-month time window, we will see a one-sided massive move in major global assets, most importantly in the US Dollar index, and this dollar index will have a huge impact

Nov,2026-June,2027 is important for Tech Stocks

By | 2024-07-29T07:28:29+00:00 July 20th, 2024|News, Useful Link|

The market started falling right on time. how long this decline will continue & where nasdaq,s&p,qqq will make bottom to know that pls see our subscriber's page Today I would like to share how I see the market in the coming years, sharing an excerpt from my long-term forecast of TECS.  There will be a


By | 2024-07-29T07:28:24+00:00 July 2nd, 2024|News, Useful Link|

Four years ago, in March 2020, Nasdaq100 was trading as low as @6800. Today, it's trading as high as @20,000 We are into the 4th year of this decade (2021-2030). With the help of mathematics, we can predict how high Nasdaq can go in this entire decade of 2021–2030. In fact we can predict the

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